Hi Gurus, I'm new to this challenge but a bit confused on how to assess it. Hair profile: Coily Hair & Low porosity (I believe), low sebum so far.
Can you ladies help me with my questions?
1.) How often do you clarify/detox your hair and scalp? I heard clarifying/detoxing is supposed to be done every 2 weeks.
2.) Detox shampoo recommendations? Should I get a scalp scrub as well?
3.) My hair is very coily so it's extremely hard to detangle. What brush do you recommend for hair that will only be twisted. ( I won't be using heat)
Thanks everyone for your time, especially Cyn. Like others have said I too believe the Most High pointed me into her direction.
(Ik the Father has because everytime I'm about to follow a trend a video of Cyn pops up telling me to put that 💩 right back down lol)
It’s the group linked to the challenge. https://www.cynsmith.guru/groups