good morning everyone,
I am currently unlearning all of the lies from YouTube University and the natural hair community. I just wanted to provide a brief overview to make sure I understand what I’m doing with the 7 day challenge. I have low porosity hair by the way.
Day 1- Wash
( shampoo, condition, deep condition, leave in conditioner, blow dry, chebe than style)
*I was wondering if you could blow dry your hair under a hooded dryer with Flexi rods or is that a bad idea*
Day 2- Rest
Aka leave your hair alone
Day 3 - Scalp massage/scientific brushing/ chebe
(looked up a few videos on this topic and I noticed most people are brushing from the root to tip of their hair in various directions. Is that how you do it?)
Day 4- Leave your hair alone
Day 5 - Scalp massage/scientific brushing/ chebe
Day 6- Leave your hair alone
Day 7 - Reset with wash day
*my two biggest confusions are how to/ do i need to deep condition and if it’s necessary for low porosity hair. second is how to blow/ hood dry hair without damaging it*
-lazy natural
Hello love, I agree with esi. There is no chebe with the 7 day challenge. No butters at all. All of your steps are correct. Leave out the chebe and the deep conditioner on the challenge. I think you can use a hooded dryer with a roller set, because you're taking the hair back to its original state. Just don't let the hair air dry. Use a serum if you are going to flat iron, and use an oil otherwise. Hope this helps! Thank you ladies!