I can not be stopped! Iam my only competition, fear is a illusion of the mind placed there by those who seek power and control! See they understand one thing that you can begin to allow yourself to comprehend because your not in control! “Whoever controls the MIND controls the BODY!”. Who has control over your mind? You? Tv? Ig? YouTube? The news? Your family? Your pastor? A book? Your man or woman? I don’t fear anyone or anything! IAM the thing you should fear because I know who IAM, I know where I can from! I know the origin of my spirit and I know my purpose with my hand written blueprint in hand! In the darkness beautiful things are given life! With the seed, all the good stuff happens underground in the dark. The Caterpillar turns into a butterfly in the dark!!!!! The darkness is the place you give birth! We all lay bare in the womb of our desires because we are SCARED OF THE DARK! There is nothing there but POWER!!! Power over those things you fear! Win you go in you see that the fear was only there to control you! Dig in!Call it what you want baby I call it POWER! Go get some or stay out my way! Good morning!!👑👑👑👑👑👑#POWERUP #BOSSCHICK #lawofattraction #reign #goddess #GODDESSCODE #CODE #BETHELIGHT #INSPIRE #awaken

Thank you for reading love! We got this!
Now that was very powerful. Thank you Ms. Doll